Becoming a Yoga Teacher

The path of yoga is a lifelong road full of bumps, twists & turns. Every practitioner follows a unique path; learning and practicing the tools of yoga and then incorporating them, bit by bit, into their everyday lives. In this way the practice of yoga becomes a personalized spiritual undertaking that is deeply meaningful and endlessly rich.

For many, the path of yoga raises more questions than it does answers. As we learn more about this beautiful and ancient practice we’re called to go deeper in our exploration of the Self. As light is shed on one query, a new one emerges from the depths of the inner realm. Thus, the process of contemplation, meditation and practice continues.

For many of us the time comes when we wonder “what is next on my path of discovery?”. The call to deeper study emerges and we wonder “how can I more fully immerse myself in these great teachings?”. Or perhaps it’s an immense gratitude for the joy that yoga has brought to our lives that causes us to wonder “how can I share this joy so that others may also experience profound shifts in their lives?”. At this moment of open-hearted wonder the transition from student to teacher begins.

But how does one become a yoga teacher in 2015? Surely the process is different than it was many thousands of years ago when the teachings of yoga were passed from guru to disciple in a variety of mystical ways. Today we are blessed to have Yoga Teacher Training programs available all over the world where students of yoga learn the technical skills required to effectively teach yoga. Teachers-in-training learn the history of yoga, the philosophy behind the practice, physical and subtle-body anatomy, as well as teaching skills such as sequencing, demonstrating and using an effective voice. These programs take place in your local community, across Canada and the US as well as in various sunny retreat destinations. The choices are endless!

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Yet, the real key to becoming a yoga teacher is the continued journey along a unique and personal path of practice. The cycle of contemplation, meditation and practice continues, inspiring and informing the teacher’s offerings. Where once the questions were of an individual nature (“how can I integrate this deep knowledge and wisdom into the living of life?”) they now become broader in nature. The questions remain, for there is always more to learn and discover, but the answers now come both from within as well as from the interaction with many unique students. In taking the seat of the teacher we open ourselves up to the opportunity to shift in new ways because of what we learn from the people we teach. And this opportunity is truly a gift.

So, if you’ve been wondering “what is next on my path of discovery?” perhaps it is time to begin the shift from student to teacher. Perhaps it is time to share the gift of yoga with others. Perhaps it is time to add your own unique voice and perspective to the incredible community of consciousness that is expanding all across our beautiful city and province. Perhaps this is your time to step into the seat of the teacher.

If you do indeed think this is that time, learn about becoming a yoga teacher in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador here.

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